Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Don't just do something, sit there!

We are all familiar with the exhortation, "Don't just sit there, do something!" This productivity focused mindset of most Americans is so universal that it is accepted without question. Being busy, productive, and involved seems to be the foundation of a meaningful life, both inside and outside the church. I've concluded that this is a load of crap.

I summarized my thoughts on the matter a few months ago in my journal, "Do the work God gives you to do, this glorifies the Father. Don't just work thinking God will be pleased, he won't. He gave his Holy Spirit to tell you what he wants you to do. This is obeying his commands. When you know what he wants you to do, do it with all your heart, whether sharing the gospel or sweeping the porch. do it with zeal and with joy, glorifying the Father because you are doing his will. If you don't know his will, do nothing. Take time to connect with his heart and to hear what he is saying. Shut out the other voices until you hear from him and know his will."

The church of today honors activity, busyess, frenetic endeavor, like a bee hive. The more going on the better. The church despises solitude and silence, but these are the most essential spiritual disciplines if you are to grow in your faith. As Dallas Willard says "The greatest spiritual achievement is the capacity to do nothing" -Divine Conspiracy.

So to put my own spin on the time honored American maxim, "Don't just do something, sit there!"